Monday, July 6, 2009

Cigarette Smoking Dangers

The cigarette smoking dangers are many and you not only risk your own health, but also the health of everyone around you when you smoke tobacco cigarettes. People die every year because of complications and diseases due to smoking. While lung cancer is the most famous of the cigarette smoking dangers, there are many other cancers associated with tobacco cigarette smoking, including mouth cancer, larynx cancer, tongue cancer, gum cancer, bladder cancer, esophageal cancer, and other cancers of the body. Cigarette smoking dangers can even extend to other health issues not normally associated to tobacco cigarette smoking.

Smokers are more like to suffer cardiac arrest or heart attack and they have an elevated risk of stroke. Tobacco cigarette smoking dangers also include coronary disease, pulmonary disease, and emphysema. Smokers with diabetes have an even greater risk of these tobacco cigarette smoking dangers.

Male smokers can also suffer from erectile dysfunction. The tobacco cigarette smoking dangers for women include an increased risk of osteoporosis, infertility, and low birth weight or developmental problems in their babies. There are even tobacco cigarette smoking dangers for your mouth, including mouth sores, gum disease, and poor overall dental health.

Second hand smoke can also present tobacco cigarette smoking dangers as it can cause illness and disease in the people around you. Every year, thousands of nonsmoking children and adults develop lung cancer because the people around them smoked tobacco cigarettes, which exposed them to harm. Babies exposed to second hand smoke are at risk of SIDS, also known as sudden infant death syndrome.

While there are plenty of tobacco cigarette smoking dangers, there is an alternative -- electronic cigarettes. Also known as e cigarettes, electronic cigarettes can provide you with the look and feel of tobacco cigarette smoking without the danger.

Smokeless Cigarettes