Showing posts with label Quit Smoking Now. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quit Smoking Now. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The "ADVANTAGES" of smoking!

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - MAY 31:  Isaiah Atkinson s... - You will always have something to do with your hands.

- To avoid headaches later in the day, always have a cigarette first thing in the morning.

- If you work with explosives, you have a handy method of lighting the fuse.

_ Smoking is a good career move if you want early retirement and would like to use up your sick leave.

- On New Years Eve you don't have to go out to the fireworks. Just dip your cigarette into a jar of ground up sparklers.

- Amuse your friends and be the life of the party by blowing smoke rings.

- Always discard your butts in flower pots and garden beds as it helps fertilise the plants and keeps insects away.

- Occasional house fires will help keep firemen employed.

- By buying cigarettes from corner stores, you help support local businesses and help retain the fabric of our society.

- At the beach, children can use the butts to decorate their sand castles.

- Annoy neighbours you don't like by staying home and smoking heavily.

- You will always have a good reason for loitering - "Officer, I'm just having a cigarette".

- Always smoke when you are pregnant. Your smoking helps the unborn baby prepare for the air pollution in the real world.

- When your neighbour's kids are too noisy, trigger their asthma by breathing smoke on them.

- By smoking heavily, you get out of boring work and will have plenty of short breaks during the day.

- Develop your cool image and fun-loving personality by being a smoker. Non-smoking is for wimps and wusses.

- You will have a good reason to paint the ceilings every three years.

- Why celebrate world no-tobacco day once a year, when every day can be celebrated as a pro-tobacco day.

- You will know when it's time to throw out your old lounge suite by the number of burn marks.

- Smoking is an adult custom. Add years to how old you look by smoking heavily.

- If you run out of smokes late at night, help the taxi industry by getting them to deliver your smokes to the door.

- You can demand more services and benefits from the government because you have paid more in taxes.

- Help keep the bush fire brigades trained and ready for any emergency by throwing lighted butts from your car window.

- Keep your weight down by smoking cigarettes instead of eating them.

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Facts about smoking that smokers don't want to know!

Check this out.... I am sure smokers don't want to see this! :-)

The Facts About Cigarettes
Via: Online Schools

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

E-cigarettes , the FDA, anti-freeze and teenagers ....whoa!

How are these four connected?

Apparently the FDA found small traces of diethylene glycol, an ingredient used in antifreeze, in one sample of electronic cigarette solution they analyzed. They are also concerned that teenagers will get addicted to electronic smoking. How serious are these issues? Are e-cigarettes harmful devices that should be banned? Lets get the facts straight and put all this information into perspective.

Diethylene glycol may be a toxic ingredient but exactly how toxic is it?

1. It is has one-tenth the toxicity of aspirin.
2. It has one-fortieth the toxicity of nicotine (the primary ingredient in electronic cigarette vapor).

Diethylene glycol is also found in everyday consumable products like:

- Toothpaste
- Mouthwash
- Cough syrup
- Wine
- Dog food
- And many others…

You have to wonder why the FDA is focusing so much on the minute traces of diethylene glycol found in one sample when clearly this is a very common ingredient many of us are ingesting regularly.

That’s not to say that diethylene glycol is totally harmless and we shouldn’t have any concerns about it. But when the FDA starts focusing on words like ‘diethylene glycol’ and ‘anti-freeze’ it sure does sound scary. However, a little bit of education on the facts puts it back in perspective doesn’t it? By the way, water is another ingredient found in anti-freeze!

The FDA tends to give the impression that they have regulatory control over nicotine. That is not always the case. They regulate smoking cessation products and claims. That’s why electronic cigarettes are marketed as a smoking alternative and not as a means to quit smoking.

Another “concern” expressed by the FDA is that electronic cigarettes target underage kids. Here is an FDA quote from one of their reports:

“These products are marketed and sold to young people and are readily available online and in shopping malls. They are also available in different flavors, such as chocolate and mint, which may appeal to young people”.

There is absolutely zero evidence that e-cigarettes target teenagers. Just the opposite… the marketing is focused on adults who already smoke and are searching for a healthier alternative they can use in public places. And here is some breaking news: Adults like to shop in malls and enjoy a variety of flavor choices too! Besides, the initial cost of entry for a top of the line electronic cigarette is not practical for most teenagers.

I encourage you to do your own due diligence and research the electronic cigarette to see if this is something that will benefit you. Look at all sides of the story and try to get unbiased information. Right now the FDA appears to be biased against electronic smoking for some reason. Do they have a hidden agenda? Who knows… but I think I detect trace elements of BS in the FDA reports!

Find out how you can "flush out" your lungs from unhealthy to healthy in a few months. Click HERE now.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Nicotine Inhalers

A nicotine inhaler is a cigarette-like device consisting of a cartridge containing nicotine with menthol. When you inhale, the nicotine is absorbed through the lining of your mouth and upper esophagus. The nicotine dose is about 1/10th of a puff of a cigarette. This quit smoking option is generally reserved for heavy smokers. In fact, for the very best results, you’ll want to use the inhaler for twenty minutes or more. To relieve most withdrawal symptoms and for the best chance at success, six to sixteen cartridges may be consumed throughout the day.

Nicotine inhalers, as well as nicotine sprays, work faster than gums. In addition, because they resemble a cigarette, they can be used in most situations. In other words, they’re handy.

On the downside, you might experience side effects such as a burning sensation in the nasal tissues or throat, a stomach ache, or nausea. The inhalers are more expensive than gums (prices can range from $40 to $55 per package). Though convenient, in some cases inhalers are so close to the real smoking experience that they continue to promote the rituals and routines of smoking.

Nicotine inhalers are only available by prescription. They come packaged in a plastic storage case, 42 cartridges altogether. Each cartridge provides up to 300 to 400 puffs. Just as with a patch, the dose is gradually reduced over a period of time until your cravings are dramatically reduced or no longer exist. It’s recommended that you do not continue to use inhalers beyond six months.

The use of nicotine inhalers require caution for a number of health conditions, including bronchospastic disease, coronary heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias, insulin-dependent diabetes, or accelerated hypertension.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nicotine Patches

A nicotine patch is specifically designed to help reduce your craving for nicotine. The way it does this is by delivering a steady dose of nicotine throughout your day. The patch works by delivering a regulated dose of nicotine into your bloodstream through the skin. This steady introduction of nicotine helps to maintain your nicotine level throughout the day. While this level is generally lower than if you were still smoking, it’s enough to eliminate withdrawal symptoms, especially the cravings.

The initial patch program goes on for about six weeks. This is the most difficult period and when the dosage will be highest. After this period, the patch prescribed will be of a lower dosage for two weeks and then a still lower dosage for the last two weeks. At this point, you should be smoke free.

A 21 mg dose Nicoderm CQ patch applied to the ...Image via Wikipedia
Most nicotine patches are not available over the counter. They must be prescribed by a physician. Since the average cigarette contains only one milligram of nicotine, the prescription will be based upon the number of cigarettes you normally smoke in a day. As in all nicotine replacement treatment programs, it’s vital to let your doctor know of any medical conditions you may have.

There is one brand that can be bought over the counter. It’s a fifteen milligram dose and is worn only during the day. Before you go to bed at night, you remove the patch and toss it out. In the morning, you start the day with a fresh one.

There can be some side effects when using a nicotine patch to quit smoking. These can include a rash or skin irritation such as itching or burning around the patch itself. On occasion, a patch can cause nausea or dizziness. In addition, you’ll want to refrain from smoking when using the patch. Otherwise, you risk the potential for a nicotine overdose. You can wear a nicotine patch on your arms, back, or any other place that’s hairless and clean and provides a good surface.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You Will Get Benefits At Any Age

People will often use the excuse that they are too old to stop smoking and assume that because they have been smoking for most of their life it seems pointless to stop in their latter years.

What they should realize is their body will start repairing the damage that has been done from long term smoking as soon as 20 minutes after their last cigarette.

Yes your health will begin to start improving that soon. Within that time your blood pressure will begin to decrease as will your pulse rate.

The increased blood pressure that is caused by smoking is one of the reasons why those who smoke are more susceptible to heart disease.

Within approximately 8 hours the levels of carbon monoxide that are present in the blood will drop and there will be increased levels of oxygen and this will help to improve all aspects of your health as the bloods ability to transport oxygen to the organs of the body is crucial for optimum health.

Things continue to get better as the time from the last cigarette grows and after the first day there is a reduction in the possibility of getting a heart attack. So if you have just had a cigarette and don't have another for the next day you have increased your chance of survival considerably.

Within two days you will begin to regain some of your sense of taste that you probably didn't even realize you had lost. Food will taste and smell better and your sense of smell with all things (eg; flowers) will begin to improve.

Three days later and you will be having less difficulty breathing as the bronchial tubes will have relaxed. As your breathing becomes more relaxed, so does your whole body and your outlook on life. Stress levels will be lower and the chance of having anxiety problems will also diminish.

Many people will smoke in times of stress and when they are feeling anxious, yet refraining from smoking for such a short period can also bring similar aspects of well being with the improvements that you will enjoy to your health.

Over the next three months breathing will continue to improve and along with that there will be an increase in energy levels and exercising will become easier.

After the first year of ceasing smoking there will be 50% less chance of heart disease and four years or so later the chance of lung cancer will have also decreased by 50% or more.

The good news is that after 10 years or so your health will more than likely be back to that of someone who had never smoked and the pre-cancerous cells will have been replaced.

Find out how you can "flush out" your lungs from unhealthy to healthy in a few months. Click HERE now.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Smoking Gun In Cancer Revealed; It's The Smoking Throat

Smoking Area with Alien StickerImage by DoubleGrande via Flickr
OK, smoke fans, the facts are out once again. According to the new and pretty inarguable Cancer Atlas and the updated Tobacco Atlas, which were published by The American Cancer Society, if "Smoky, The Scare" gets his way, tobacco use is projected to kill a billion people in this century. (By the way, wouldn't it be more reassuring if the word “Prevention” was in the Society's name?)

Now, that’s what we call recreational population control. The figure amounts to ten times as many folks as smoking sent choking to the grave in the 20th century.

And ready for this? Tobacco use causes one in five cancer deaths, or a total of 1.4 million graveward bound souls a year.

Now, here’s the good and much underappreciated news : Dr. Judity Mackay, a senior policy adviser of the World Health Organization, tells us, "We know with cancer, if we take action now, we can save 2 million lives a year by 2020 and 6.5 million by 2040."

So here’s our bit to stop cancer in its tracks. And we’re not going to pull any punches, because, if you still smoke, you obviously haven’t listened to anybody yet, and we care about you too much not to give you our best shot.

Here goes all the ways we know to annoy our friends who smoke with advice that is invariably resented but not always dismissed. In fact, we actually have two friends who stopped smoking after we had at them.

So let's light up with logic:

1. If you can’t quit smoking, pursue your fetish when you're not around us.

2. We don’t date people who smoke, because we don’t want to die in their arms. It’s not death we’re afraid of; it’s their breath and the way their clothes smell. We find both spiritually wilting, not to mention sexually.

3. Everybody loves you, but somebody you know is following you, everywhere you go, and this person wants to kill you, and do you know who this person is? The person in you who wants to smoke. The person in you who doesn’t want you to smoke, while weaker right now, can be made strong enough to toss the sneak thief of your life out for good.

4. Do you know what people think every time you light up? Wow, what a dummy. Provoking this response is particularly incriminating if you think you’re a genius.

5. Don’t tell me you’re so desperate for pleasure that just for the little buzz you can get from dragging all those carcinogens into your fragile body you’re ready to die? How much do you like Lorillard and the other ciggy makers? So much you need to die for them?

6. Do you know that smoking is like rat poison? You ingest a little every day. You think you’re fine. But actually your entire body is being poisoned. That’s why you look yellow and your skin wrinkles prematurely. Actually, if you could do an autopsy on yourself while you’re still alive, you’d find that all the organs in your body are shriveled up from the poisons. For instance, pathologists tell us that your organs, instead of being smooth and healthy, look more like prunes. But you keep dragging the junk in, because you think you’re fine. Well, you’re not. You’re deadly ill. And then one day it happens. You go from being ill to being landfill.

7. Last, do you know that all the blood in your body races through your lungs every minute? That’s right. It all keeps racing there to give off carbon dioxide and grab fresh oxygen. Then it races to the far corners of your body with the breath of life. Unfortunately, it also drags the carcinogens along for the ride. That’s why, for instance, women who smoke often get breast cancer; breasts are very vascular and so they’re a frequent drop-off point for the poison.

Worst of all, if you die, you can’t read NewsLaugh anymore. Talk about sad. So stop it already. Quit Smoking now!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

You Can Quit Smoking through Individual Hypnosis

Have you ever tried to give up smoking but with no success? Well if you have, don't be afraid because you are not the only one. This is why you should consider individual hypnosis.

Individual hypnosis has proven to help people suffering from various addictions and disorders. This includes social anxiety, drugs, alcohol and stress. It has also worked for those who are smokers so you don't have anything to lose by trying it out.

Before you try hypnosis, the specialist that will be helping you throughout the entire process has to know why you smoke and what triggers it. Some smoke as a way to relieve the pressure while others use it to boost their confidence. Keep in mind thought that you don't have to smoke when the pressure is building up or you want to show who you really are.

After speaking with the hypnotist who sees that this technique has a chance to help you give your addiction, the next step is to get you to relax and put you in a trance. Some people fall asleep while others claim that they are able to hear the hypnotist the entire time but the important thing is that you will be able to control your urge of lighting that next cigarette.

When you are relaxed, the power of suggestion or hypnotic suggestion is then repeated several times so you will give up that habit. If the keyword does not work, this is rephrased or reworded. This continues until the patient wakes up from the trance.

How effective it is varies because some people will see the difference in a matter of days while others will only experience it after a few weeks.

But will individual hypnosis work for everybody? Well you have to remember three important things about this technique.

First, you have to be willing or open to try hypnosis. If you are not willing to be hypnotized, nothing is going to happen. Second, if you want to try hypnosis, go to the clinic because you won't find the hypnotist out in the street and asking smokers if they want to kick the habit. Third, you shouldn't expect to give up smoking overnight. This takes time so you will have to go back for several sessions.

Giving up smoking is not easy. If you need more help than what the hypnotist can offer, you can also buy a recording and try self-hypnosis. You can but this from the record store, online or from the clinic which is available in cassette or CD format.

Will you still suffer from withdrawal symptoms after undergoing hypnosis? The answer is no and that is something thing that a lot of people want to hear because it is really hard to give up this habit if you have been doing this for years.

Individual hypnosis can help you quit smoking because your mind will have a conditioned response each time you feel like lighting a cigarette. This can be as simple as holding your fingers together for 30 seconds or more, taking a few deep breaths and even drinking a glass of water that will make that urge go away. You just have to give it a chance because you will never know until you try.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Kick that Bad habit

Smoking is a bad habit that is very difficult to give up. It is not only dangerous to the smoker, himself, but to the people around him as well. Once a person becomes addicted, it becomes difficult for him to stop smoking. However, despite all the reminders regarding the bad effects of smoking to health, a lot of people are still drawn into the aroma of cigarette smoking.

People should not have started to smoke. Because as you all know, once you have become dependent on nicotine, it would be very difficult for you to eliminate it from your system. Advertisements have constantly reminded people that cigarette smoking is dangerous to health, yet it is as if they have not heard a single reminder. Well, people who do not admit that they are addicted to smoking have a really big problem.

Smokers who are trying to stop smoking can attest to the difficulty of the process of quitting. Determination and will power are needed in order for one to reach his goal of being a non-smoker.

Most people would say that a gradual cutting down of the cigarette smoking is a good method for quitting. Small steps are taken, one at a time to ensure that the process is going in the direction that is more beneficial to the smoker who plans on quitting.

Preparation Necessary to Stop Smoking

Preparation is necessary when you feel like stopping. Reflect on your reasons for smoking, and take note of when you usually smoke and how you typically go about it. You may want to deviate from your usual smoking habits, and try things that you son not usually do when smoking. For instance, you may want to try new things as a replacement for smoking, like when you are urged to smoke, you may just chew a gum or munch on healthy snacks. Or, if you really want to smoke, you may do so but not with the hand that you usually use when smoking. If you are used to holding the cigarette with your right hand, you may try your left hand instead. You need to learn these things so that you can make a good plan that you can follow as you cut down the sticks you smoke.

The Beginning of the Actual Renouncement

Get rid of all the things that may remind you of smoking. You may want to keep your ash trays way from your view, or you may also, for the time being, avoid people who smoke. This way, you are not constantly reminded of your tendencies to smoke. Think of ways activities that can keep your mind off the idea of smoking. Give yourself a reward when you have not smoked for the whole day, this way your act of not smoking will be reinforced. You may also want to visit your dentist so that you can get your teeth cleaned from all the nicotine that may have stained them.

Living a Smoke-free Life

There may be times when you feel irritated or depressed; these may just be the withdrawal symptoms. You should learn to avoid smoking despite these symptoms. It may be difficult at first but as time passes by, you would realize that it gets easier and better. Think of all the benefits that you may have if you stop smoking - financially, physically and socially.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Stop Smoking : A Friend’s Reminder

Smoking may lead to an addiction; one thing that is very difficult to keep away from your system. Quitting smoking is a very hard process; thus, if your friend is on the process of d

A 'No Smoking' signImage via Wikipedia

oing so he will need all your support to do it. Be supportive and encourage him to defeat his urge to smoke. Be there with him as he tries to stop smoking.

Proper Encouragement

As a friend, your encouragement is your best contribution to your friend's rehabilitation. Remember, with the right words said at the right time, you are able to push your friend to reach his goal. But, how can you really give encouragement without sounding too much of a nagger?

Encouragement follows after a person finally decides to quit smoking. Once he has the determination to quit, you step in to give him words of encouragement so that he will not lose his focus. This is the time when you have to let your friend feel that you are with him throughout this process and that you will stay beside him until he finally reaches his goal. Sometimes, words are not necessary anymore – your acts alone may be enough as encouragement.

You also have to remind yourself of the difficulty of the process that your friend is going through. This reminder will let you understand your friend more, and the better you understand his situation, the more helpful you can be. There may be times when your friend may not stop himself from puffing another stick, but you should not use this against him. Instead of criticizing his mistakes, try to remind him of his progress and steer him away from the said errors. You should not dwell on his mistakes, but on how he was able to correct such afterwards.

And though after quitting, addictive substances such as nicotine and tobacco still remain present within the system of someone who has recently stopped smoking. This is what causes relapse. Thus, the process still continues even after a long time, and you should continue to encourage for as long as your friend’s battle with smoking continues.

Process of Quitting

People have their own ways of quitting. Some say that it is better to quit all at once; however, there are still others who believe that it should be done slowly but surely. Slowly quitting would mean that nicotine exposure would be decreased moderately by consuming lesser cigarettes each day.

Really, it does not matter how one chooses to proceed with quitting. Whatever method he chooses, you should always be ready to give him the encouragement he needs. To do so, here are some things that may help you give confidence to your friend who needs to stop smoking:

1. When you talk about progress, stay positive and inspiring by pointing out the instances when he has really surpassed a trial.
2. Talk about his slip ups but refrain from dwelling on the matter.
3. You should support whatever quitting technique he may have chosen.
4. Help him avoid situations which may trigger his desire for smoking again.
5. Continue to be a friend!

You do not need to be licensed counselor to give good encouragement. All you need to be is to be loyal and one who cares for a friend. Just stay with them, back them up and make them feel that they are not alone in their attempt to stop smoking.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Nicotine Patches to Help You Stop Smoking

Those who try to simply stop smoking face a big pain : withdrawal symptoms. Their bodies, which have been so used to having nicotine in the bloodstream, craves for the same amount. Without the normal dosage - yes, smoking is like a drug that's regularly administered - the smoker's body goes through symptoms familiar to those who quit and took up smoking again : depression, insomnia, irritability, and an undefined sense of something lost.

Website and homebrew remedies details some ways to help the quitting smoker get a hold of himself or herself through the process, so that a relapse will not follow after the decision to stop smoking. One way to help through the process is to use nicotine patches. But one should keep in mind that this, too, like a drug, have conditions for it to work as expected on the quitting smoker. It's not a one-size fits everyone solutions, it's not an overnight magical answer.

The patch reduces craving. Contrary to what some who want to smoke thing, the nicotine patches do not completely eliminate the cravings they go through. Smoking carries with it some physical and mental effects on one's person, and some aspects cannot be handled by nicotine patches.

There are also reported side effects of using patches. Some of them just as unpleasant as not having patches at all, as reported by those who had already tried them. These discomforts include headaches, constant vomiting, stomach pains, and nausea. In some cases, these are the outcome of overmedication using the patches; in some cases these effects are temporary. But it pays to know the side effects before going completely headstrong into nicotine patches. Some who stop smoking did so with out them.

So how does one approach whether you should or should not use nicotine patches to stop smoking?

Step one. Don't just rush into buying the patches themselves. Consult with your doctor if you have medical conditions that may get aggravated when you take patches. You don't want to rake in more medical bills on the off chance you get worse.

Step two. Should your doctor approve, the first application of the patch will tingle a bit, so choose a section of your skin that's got less hair. Also, vary the areas you stick the patch to. Inspect the areas well, they should not have open wounds and rashes. Should you feel any sudden palpitations of breathing changes, go to your doctor and have yourself checked out.

Step three. Mind the doses. Also, note that you may have to try lower doses after maybe two weeks, as your body will have gotten used to them by then. These things vary from person to person. Hence the need to be monitored by a physician through consultations. You may experience a surge in appetite, so bear with it.

Just remember to consult with your doctor before you try the nicotine patch, and to stay in touch during the process. If anyone could simply stop smoking, nicotine patches and other 'remedies' won't be needed. Sadly, nicotine addiction is a medical condition wherein your body craves a substance. So weaning yourself away from the substance by getting less and less of it is key to your decision to stop smoking. In this case, nicotine patches help a great deal in dealing with the withdrawal symptoms.

Monday, November 2, 2009

How to Stop Your Cravings When You Stop Smoking

The attempt to stop smoking is a very difficult endeavor. It entails will power and determination just to be able to control the cravings that may accompany the withdrawal stage. See, as a smoker tries to cleanse his body from the nicotine that he consumes, the body would continue to look for nicotine for it to be able to function properly. This craving will urge the smoker to just continue smoking so that his body needs can be satisfied. This is where his focus and strength of mind should come in. He needs to fight off the urge in order for him to start a non-smoking life.

Some smokers who are on the process of quitting resort to drugs to assist them during the withdrawal stage. Several medicines that are publicized by media are offered to the public to help defeat the urge to smoke; and they are designed to give pleasure to the brain in the same way the nicotine affects the brain. Because of these drugs, the smokers will feel exactly the same feeling as if they had just finished a stick; so as a result, there is really no need for the smokers to actually puff a cigarette.

Despite the help that you may get from drugs, you still have to put in mind that you still need to exert effort in order for you to successfully overcome the temptation to smoke. Be reminded that the first few days of your renunciation would really be the toughest, so you should be prepared to face the difficulty. To be able to do so, you should try your hardest to stay away from things which might remind you of smoking.

For instance, you may want to avoid places where you may encounter a lot of smokers, because you might be tempted to join their fun. For some people, they try to replace a cigarette with healthier foods life cinnamon sticks or celery just to satisfy the need to have something pressed between their lips; and if it is your hands which crave for something to hold on to, try to replace the cigarette stick with a pencil or anything which may take its place. If you are the kind of person who associates smoking with drinking, then you may want to avoid drinking alcohol as well. Keep your mind of the idea of smoking, and keep yourself busy so that you would forget the temptation to smoke.

If despite all your efforts to avoid smoking, you are still craving for a puff, you may want to try these few tricks just to satisfy your longing :

==> Light a matchstick instead of a cigarette, and pretend that it is a cigarette stick that you are holding. This trick may cheat your brain, and it may gratify your urge if it does not, you can always treat yourself with a refreshing bath.

==> Think of why you are quitting, and stay focused. Remind yourself of your objectives, and constantly repeat to yourself that you are strong enough to win this battle against smoking.

==> Do not think that a single stick will have no effect on your struggle to stop, otherwise you might start from the very beginning again.

==> And, do not be afraid to ask for your family’s and friends’ support, because in your journey to stop smoking, you need a strong support system.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Deciding to Stop Smoking : Rising Above Withdrawal Urges

When you smoke, your body is exposed to nicotine, a very addictive substance. The longer period that the body is exposed to nicotine, the harder it is for the body to function properly without such substance. This is the reason why people who smoke, especially those who have been smoking for a long time already, may find it difficult to stop smoking. They have become addicted to nicotine, and they will need longer time just to cleanse their system from the nicotine. So, even if they have finally stopped from smoking, they are still faced with the urge to go on a relapse and smoke again. This is commonly known as nicotine withdrawal urges.

Withdrawal symptoms may come in different forms, and has different effects on different people.

Some urges may take form in the following :

* Difficulty to sleep
* Always being nervous and worried
* Unable to concentrate
* May feel depressed
* May feel irritable
* May feel the urge to light up another stick of cigarette
* Increased hunger and need to eat

Thus, before you finally stop smoking, you should first have an idea on how to fight these withdrawal symptoms, because if not you may end up starting on the process all over again.

Start by knowing the possible urges that you may experience once you have finally stopped smoking. By doing so, you would have ideas on how to manage them properly when they eventually manifest. There several products which can assist you as you begin to cut down your exposure to nicotine. There are nicotine gums and patches which are available in the market to satisfy your need for nicotine without the need of smoking a cigarette. However, if you choose to buy these products, you should realize that you would still have to stop using them eventually because you would want your system to be cleansed from nicotine.

There are also medicines and prescription drugs which can help you overcome depression after you have stopped smoking. Sometimes, these medications may also help with other withdrawal symptoms aside from depression. However, before you take any of these drugs, you should consult your doctor first so that you would be guided accordingly.

These withdrawal urges may come and go throughout the day. You just have to wait it out until the urge passes. You have to fight hard not to smoke despite such strong urges. After several times of being able to fight off the urge to smoke, you will feel that such urges will become less powerful, and you will find it easier to defeat such tendencies.

You just have to stay strong because it is not easy to flush out the nicotine from your body, and will surely take time before you are absolutely cleansed from it. So, as you wait, you have to stay strong, firm, and focused. Try hard not to relapse; otherwise you might end up on the starting line again, and you’d waste your efforts. Do your best to divert your attention to healthier activities so that you will not think of smoking as often as necessary.

Remember your reasons for quitting, and hold on to them. The process you need to go through to stop smoking may not be easy, but it shall be worth it.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Smoking DOES NOT make you look "cool"!

If you think being a smoking machine will make you look cool then you are only fooling yourself. Sticking cigarettes in your mouth by the dozen does not make you look “hip” or “different”. In fact, you will be just another average Joe who can’t kick the habit! . Even

I took this photograph and I release it to the...Image via Wikipedia

though you may not feel the ill-effects of smoking on your health today, they are bound to sneak up on you eventually. This is why it’s important to seek help on quitting smoking now, because you never know when your body is going to turn against you.

Smoking is not an issue about right or wrong, it’s an issue about practicality. Logic and science have rationalized that smoking is injurious to health, not only to you, but to others as well. Passive smoke or second hand smoke has become a major problem for the non-smokers of today, since wherever they turn; they are covered in misty nicotine smoke that chokes them up completely.

You have a responsibility to maintain towards others, and even if you decided that your own life is not worth saving and therefore you shouldn’t stop smoking, you cannot decide the same for the others too. For their sake, you have to kick this terrible habit out through the window. So what can you do about it? How can you get to quit smoking?

First, really decide that you will stop smoking. This may seem to be a laughable matter, since you will think that it is very simple and easy. But this is not true at all. You have to stop smoking not just because your family or friends have urged you to do so, but because you have to save yourself. This is for your own good, and the faster you realize that, the stronger your promise will be to put a stop to it.

Secondly, you have to put away anything that could tempt you to go for that poisonous substance again. Make sure that you throw away all the packs, and even put away the ash-trays in the closet where you will not be able to reach easily.

Third, you can tell your friends and family about this resolution. You will be surprised to see how much help and support your will receive. But you will have to stay true to the promise that you make to yourself and the people around you will help you to keep it.

Make a list to point out the various factors for which you are willing to quit. If you have this list with you all the time, whenever you get tempted, you can glance at the list again and again to remind yourself about being stern about your promise.

Find out the times of the day when you are in the habit of smoking a lot, say after a meal, or in the evening or whenever you are alone and need to think. What you need to do during these times is to find out a better way to do things so that they will keep your mind off the subject of smoking. For example, if you are in the habit of having cigarettes in the evening, you can take a walk instead.

Drink a lot of water and eat fruits every day. This will bring you body metabolism to a balance that will de-stress you so that you do not resort to smoking.

Calculate how much you spend every month in order to buy a packet of cigarettes for yourself every week. The figure that you will arrive will make your eyes pop out. When you buy a pack, it may seem that you are spending only a sliver of your entire monthly income, but if you add up the numbers of an entire year, you will see that the added sum blows through the roof!

These steps are your help for quitting smoking. If you follow them as your rules, you will be able to resist yourself from breaking your promise to quit, and getting back to this horrible habit again. This is why it is important to stick to your convictions and never let your faith and strength waver.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Who wants to smell like a chimney all day long?

Now, all smokers know that smoking isn’t a nice habit. It’s ENJOYABLE and it’s ADDICTIVE. But if we could achieve that level of relaxation doing anything else, I’m pretty sure we would.

Now...YOU can STOP SMOKING in 28 Days... Or Less!

Melvin Powers, wrote : “Stop Smoking in 28 Days... Or Less!

He’s not the sort of guy that will tell you how BAD you are for smoking. He’s a methodical guy and explains it all in pure English. He agrees – stopping smoking SUCKS. In fact, that’s his Web address :

Mevlin can teach you the EXACT methods you need to quit smoking – without the pain, withdrawal symptoms and evil cravings usually associated with the process.

Plus he backs it all up with a 100% money-back guarantee too.

So, ever considered kicking the habit?

Do it in style, with Melvin Powers. Click on the link below to download his new guide :

If you haven't done it, GRAB the FREE Report on 30 Burning Reasons to Quit Smoking below :

eMail address:
First Name:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

More REASONS to quit smoking...

1. Think of those who care and love you very much

2. Tobacco and tobacco smoke are cancer's best friends. Close friends with respiratory problems and heart diseases

3. Smoking increases the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also called chronic obstructive lung disease.

4. There is growing evidence that smoking can lead to AMD (age-related macular degeneration), a degenerative condition occurring at the back of the eye resulting in blindness

5. There is an increased risk of developing cataracts.

Watch below video and think .... "Is it worth it ?"

GRAB the FREE Report on 30 Burning Reasons to Quit Smoking below :

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First Name:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Quit Smoking Hypnosis Therapy – How Efficient It Is

Many are of the opinion that hypnosis is a good way to help you quit smoking. On the other hand, there are a good number of people who are skeptical about the effectiveness of this as a sole therapy against the habit of smoking.

What is the truth?

The results from the quit smoking hypnosis therapy depend upon two major factors –

(i) your own mental and physical condition, and

(ii) the experience and expertise of the hypnotist.

Both of these factors would heavily influence the outcome.

1. Your own condition – some people are easily hypnotized, while some people are resistant to it. Those who respond quickly are those who can benefit most out of the quit smoking hypnosis therapy. This is because they would be more receptive to it than those who are not easily hypnotized. You need to find out to which of the groups you belong before choosing this method.

2. The experience of the hypnotist – best qualifications do not always mean that the professional is the best. What makes the professional good (and best) is the experience - and the expertise he/ she gains through it.

Some hypnotists are better than others because they have more experience and are better prepared for any eventuality or hiccup in the therapy. Choose the professional who has the highest reputation in your particular field of interest, i.e. quit smoking hypnosis therapy.

Combining Methods to Ensure Success

As soon as you leave cigarettes you would experience withdrawal symptoms the degrees of which would vary according to the level of your addiction and nicotine dependency. Some of the withdrawal symptoms might cause depression, sleeplessness, sudden urges to gorge on food, etc.

Having the family support you during this time is crucial to your success. It would be a good idea to have a back-up plan and combine the quit smoking hypnosis therapy with adequate medication and support. In this way, even if the quit smoking hypnosis therapy is not one hundred percent successful, you would still be able to beat the habit with the help of the other methods and the support you are enlisting.

Remember, there is no foolproof method to quit smoking available yet. In order to succeed it would be a good thing to combine a few compatible methods so that one would back the other and increase your chances for success.

For more information visit HERE.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Brave Attempt to Stop Smoking

Perhaps, you have heard a lot of people say that smoking is an old habit that dies hard. Smoking can become very addictive, and once a smoker becomes dependent on its substance, he will definitely lose most of his strength to steer clear from such addiction. Despite all the reminders of advertisements and all the warnings given by medical professionals regarding the harmful effects of smoking to one’s health, a lot of people are still lured by the aroma of a burning cigarette; and before they know it, they are already too hooked on smoking to quit it. And then, for any reason, they will begin to stop smoking, but then they will feel too weak to fight the urge to smoke again.

Quit Smoking now!

Smokers may say that they will stop smoking in due time. But when really is the right time to stop smoking? Don’t they know that the longer they prolong their addiction, the harder it shall be for them to quit it? Why wait for tomorrow, when you are already a victim now? In waiting, you are just waiting for the consequences of your actions to become more serious than it already is. Listen to what health practitioners are saying; take the brave attempt to quit smoking now.

In quitting, your tool winning tool is your willpower and determination. People may tell you how to go about the quitting process, but it is really your focus that will help you get through the rehabilitation. Just remember that it is never going to be a quick change, it would definitely require you to work hard for your goal. Do not look for the easy way out, keep in mind that you should do it slowly but surely.

Set your goals, and take note of the reasons why you are finally stopping. Emphasize on the benefits that you will get when you are finally a non-smoker instead of using all its harmful effects to scare you into quitting. The reward is a better motivation than the punishment. And as you set your goals, remember that there are trials as you quit smoking, such as the withdrawal stage, and this may be toughest part. You should be prepared when these symptoms occur.

You should plan activities that would keep your mind of smoking. Enjoy sports, or pamper yourself by going to the spa, or watching movies. Try to see how much productive you can be by doing all these things than just smoking. The money you are spending is well spent as well, and it is not just wasted on a bad vice. For the time being, hang out with your friends who are not smoking and surround yourself with an environment that would really make your forget about smoking.

Bear in mind that you are the key to the success of your battle against smoking. It is your determination that will push you to reach your goal. No matter how much people remind you to stop smoking, it is always you who has the last say. So, you should stay focused and determined.

And, you should know that if you are planning to stop smoking, now is the best time. Today is better than tomorrow, and this will certainly make your future a lot brighter and healthier. Do it now, be brave enough to stop smoking.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dangers to Women’s Health

You must have heard that cigarette smoking is definitely not good for health. This does not make any distinctions in its ill effects; it is dangerous both to women’s and men’s health. However, you should know that smoking may have more harmful effects on a woman’s health than on a man. A woman is capable of bearing a child in her womb. Because of this she is considered as an icon for nurturing; however, if with unhealthy habits, a woman may also unknowingly inflict damage to the child in her womb. Therefore, if smoking should be stopped by any gender in particular, then there is a greater need for women to stop smoking.

A woman may be inflicted with several illnesses if she becomes addicted to nicotine. If she is unable to live a healthy lifestyle, and if she is unable to eliminate smoking from her daily routine, she may end up having vaginal bleeding, heart attacks, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. Studies even show that women who smoke are more prone to having lung cancer as compared to those who do not smoke.


Furthermore, when females become addicted to nicotine, it is more difficult for them to eliminate such substance from their system as opposed to males. Because of this, they have to put on extra effort just to prevent themselves from being addicted; but if they are already dependent on the substance, they should ask for help and supplements designed to release them from such addiction.

Perhaps you are wondering how to get out of such addiction. If this is the case, then you should know that your first step to a non-smoking life is to know all the possible effects that may harm you. In doing so, you would have a better understanding of the consequences of your acts and thus, it will be easier for you to avoid such path again. Maybe, you would realize that you do not need to be around people who smoke because you may be influenced to smoke again; or you may refrain from going to shops that sell cigarettes. As long as you have baby steps to get out from your habit, then you are on the right track.

If these acts are not helpful enough, you may also ask your doctor for assistance. Several drugs may be prescribed to you to help you with the addiction, some of them may be found online and some are just within your neighborhood pharmacies. Just make sure that you have consulted your doctor before buying these medicines and that the medicines that you would take are FDA approved. This is to certify that these drugs will not worsen your condition and that they are really designed to help you with your nicotine problem.

Cigarette smoking should definitely be avoided for your own health. If you are a woman, you should have realized by now that you have more things to take into consideration than men who smoke. You are a woman, and you should be the life-giver. You cannot give a life that is not healthy, thus you should keep yourself healthy as well. Thus, since smoking is not healthy, you should not smoke; but if you already are, you may want to consider to stop smoking.

Smokeless Cigarettes

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Want to Know the Effective Way to Stop Smoking?

Stop Smoking now!

We are creatures of impulse, desire, poor long term planning, and all the bad traits companies rely on to make their sale. But if you've ever made a painful decision to say no to buying something, in exchange for some long term gain, you know what a mature delay in gratification can benefit you.

Opting to save for tuition instead of buying designer jeans is a good example So is opting to stick with your crappy-looking buy efficient cellular phone, instead of getting a shiny and sleek iPhone. So is the decision to stop smoking to prevent medical complications from happening to you, and costing you tons of dollars; not to mention preventing you from living a healthy life.

If you've been following the logic of the foregoing, then you already have a clear picture of what it takes to stop smoking. The best way to do it is to fully understand giving it up costs you, what not taking part in that hip and addictive habit will end you up with, and how much discomfort, for a time, quitting would mean, physically, emotionally, mentally.

Will power is the best way. The problem is this method requires your soul to understand, to want to stop smoking altogether. A pregnant mother decides to quit drugs when the medical checkups showed her baby was declining in health while in her womb. A father goes gambling-sobber after his eldest straight-A daughter failed to pay her student loans. A single mom decides to devote more time at home, and leave her night life, when she notices how much her son needs her.

We just need to find a reason. Our will power will provide the strength to get us through our nicotine addiction. It will not be easy. And those who try to quit end up relapsing unless they are convinced, to their bones, that they want to quit. Maybe not for themselves, but for the sake of someone else. A son, a mother, a husband.

Those who go through this, suffer the pains of withdrawal, and emerge addiction-free, report that they feel like having been a different person when they had their addiction. Different from the person that emerged from the addiction. Like it was all a bad dream, or memories of a person just trying to make do with her naive worldview.

The thing about quitting smoking through willpower is that you need no rationalizations. You stop smoking because, insert reason here. And you see that reason as inevitable, as true regardless of anyone else who listens to you. Like a mathematical fact. True, regardless how much you rationalize against it, whine about it.

You will receive all sort of discouragement. Most people have smoking buddies and the media is filled with ads encouraging a life incomplete without a puff. But these will not hamper you if you know in your bones you want to quit because you have to. Not want to. That there are compelling reasons outside one's selfish circle of reasons that demand you to be better than who you are.

So if you want some non-hypocritical reason to stop smoking. There it is. Find a reason. The methods won't matter as much as long as you will is convinced you have to quit. You will emerge a better person for this.